Valentine’s Day and Chocolate just go together!

Started the day eating well, then kind of lost control over the chocolate today.  Well, as Scarlet O’Hara says, “I’ll think about it tomorrow.  After all, tomorrow IS another day.”

Breakfast- two “healthified” breakfast cookies that I made fresh this morning ( I also added a cup of dried cranberries to the batter).  Here’s the recipe:

Morning snack- Multi-grain Cheerios with walnuts and almonds and a cup of hot peppermint herbal tea

Lunch- Chobani Blood Orange Greek yogurt and a Pink Lady apple with a bottle of diet citrus green tea

Afternoon snack- a FiberOne Peanut butter bar and a bottle of water and two Hershey’s kisses

Probably burned 100 calories just shivering at track practice!  Then I taught Zumba at 6:30.  FUN valentine crowd!

Supper- Late again! A tossed green salad with avocado and walnuts and Ken’s Light Options Raspberry Walnut dressing and a seared fish filet.  I also had THREE pieces of the Russel Stover dark chocolate candy that my Valentine gave me this morning!

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