We steamed up the windows tonight!

Zumba was SO MUCH FUN tonight!  Thirty-five women in class and we really did steam the windows from bottom to top!  What a blast!

Breakfast- one whole wheat bagel thin with a scrambled egg and two pieces of bacon and one cup of coffee

Morning snack- a big handful of baked sweet potato stix and a bottle of diet citrus green tea

Lunch- Chobani Peach Greek yogurt and an apple with a bottle of water

Afternoon snack- a Fiber One peanut butter bar and a can of Cran-Energy by Ocean Spray.

PRE-Zumba snack- four Ritz crackers with Sabra Roasted Red Pepper hummus

Taught Zumba at 6:30 and then didn’t eat supper until after 8:00

Supper- a plate FULL of mixed greens with some taco seasoned ground beef, half an avocado, a diced tomato, a TBLS sour cream and a bunch of salsa with a glass of water

I know that eating so late is not good for me.  I just cannot eat before I teach class.  My stomach can’t handle it.  At least the weight doesn’t seem to be going back up for now!

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