I never met a potato I didn’t like…

…and these are no exception.  I recently discovered Jaxn’s Twice-Baked Potato Stix, made right here in Jasper.  They come in three different flavors:  Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper, Sour Cream and Chive, and Sweet Potato.  Of course, they are not quite the same as a deep-fried Lay’s potato chip, but they fill that salty, crunchy snack craving without all the fat and calories.

Breakfast- one bowl multi-grain bran flakes with milled flax seed and a banana and a handful of blueberries and a splash of skim milk with two cups of coffee

Morning snack- one breakfast cookie and a carton of skim milk

Lunch- Chobani Pineapple Greek yogurt, a Fuji apple, a mozzarella cheese stick, and a handful of Jaxn’s Twice-Baked Potato Stix, Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper flavor washed down with a diet citrus green tea and half a bottle of water.

Afternoon snack- Cheerios and walnuts and a can of Ocean Spray Cran-Energy Diet drink and just before school was out drank a bottle of water.

Taught an hour of Zumba this afternoon and got all sweaty, then had to pump gas out in the cold wind.  NOT fun!

Supper- A two-egg omelet with a little bit of cheddar cheese and some onions and mushrooms sauteed in a little olive oil with a salad of mixed greens and tomatoes with some Ken’s Light Options Olive Oil and Vinegar dressing and a glass of water.  I’ll probably have one of the Cara Cara pink navel oranges I bought this afternoon before I go to bed tonight.

2 thoughts on “I never met a potato I didn’t like…

  1. I just saw some of them at Walgreen’s in town. They were close to the register. The first ones I got were actually bags of samples that Ginger Rizoti brought to our group fitness Super Saturday last weekend. They’re made by the Hayes, the same ones who make Geraldine’s Cheese Straws. I meant to look for some at Kroger today, but I forgot.

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