Portion control…not my strong suit.

Does anyone REALLY eat only 3/4 cup of cereal?  I just dump it in the bowl and I know it’s more than a recommended serving.  Same goes for my other meals.  Maybe I need to start eating everything from a saucer instead of a dinner plate.  That way, I’ll still have a FULL plate.   I always clean my plate too.  I know those starving children in Africa are going to be more hungry if I don’t eat everything that I’m served.  AND…IF I was going to get dessert, I would NOT get it if there was food left on my plate.  The eating habits of a lifetime are hard to kick!

Breakfast- one bowl of multi-grain bran flakes with a double handful of fresh, delicious blueberries, skim milk, and two mugs of coffee

Morning snack- a few of those spiced mixed nuts I fixed for Barry yesterday and a big glass of water

Lunch- a peanut butter and honey sandwich on whole grain bread and a pink navel orange with a cup of icy cold skim milk

Jessica and I went to the gym this afternoon and I got in five miles on the treadmill, walking and running.  I drank a bottle of water and then nearly froze going to Wal-Mart in my wet sweaty clothes in the wind.  I need to remember LAYERS next time it’s this cold!

Afternoon snack- I had one of Jessica’s No-Bake Energy Bites while I was cooking supper (recipe below).  These are delicious!

Supper- A normal-person sized portion of chicken casserole (as opposed to the size portion I usually get), some green beans from last summer’s garden, and a big green salad with mixed greens, bell pepper, and olive oil and vinegar dressing with a glass of water.

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